Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Smokey and The Bandit

Driving along the freeway on our way to Virginia we see a Dodge Charger sitting on right the side of the freeway. It looked like it might be trying to get into a lane. Then Philip notices it has a front bumper that can push other cars and thinks maybe it's an unmarked police car. We pass by and the next thing you know they are on our left staring into our RV, we are also busy looking at them. We hadn't broken any laws at this time. They slip in behind us and Philip slows down about 10 mph. They stay there for a while and then the lights go on. Up walk two Sheriff deputies. In their southern drawl they ask for registration, drivers license, etc. They were nice enough. Then Philip asks them, so what attracted you to us? They say, well you're from California, you're not towing a vehicle and you slowed down when we got in behind you. Then they also started talking about how people from California like to grow marijuana. After some conversation we find out the guys are Christian. Philip tells them he was reading Proverbs 21 in the morning and tells him: There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. He says, that's funny, we just arrested a drug dealer and he had that exact same scripture on his wall.

Our friend Christine asked if Phil gave them the law. Forgot to show them her picture. 
So when they are done talking I pull out my camera, tell them we have a blog and he says, no wait until we pull away then you can take our picture. He pulls off and stops on the left for us to take his picture. Here it is. 

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